Dr. Alexandria Samuels-Ross

Founded in 2020

Welcome to Charlene's Haven owned and operated by Dr. Alexandria Samuels- Ross. The name " Charlene" is Alexandria's mother, the late Cynthia Charlene Samuels. Cynthia was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer in 2006. Cynthia worked diligently to overcome her battle with her illness by changing her diet and exercising frequently, causing her stage 2 cancer to go into remission. Unfortunately, the cancer returned and Cynthia departed this earth September 25, 2010. Being diagnosed with any illness affects your mind and body, as well as your family. Cynthia's daughter, Alexandria, is continuing Cynthia's quest to a longer healthier lifestyle and providing support to others through their lifestyle change. Through Charlene's Haven, we are able to provide honest research and feedback on most health and wellness issues and offer products; free blogs to elevate overall wellness mentally, physically, and emotionally. Today is the only day that matters, make it count, and live healthier, happier, and longer. For you, for me, for Cynthia.